Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Work at Home: Reminder Service

I live in Massachusetts. The state division of motor vehicles used to send out a renewal notice when your driver's license was about to expire. Sometime within the last year or two, they stopped the practice. When I found out about it, I had only about 4 days to renew my license - but I know several people whose licenses had expired. I'm not saying you shouldn't pay attention to when your license expires, but if you have been receiving reminders from the state for years, it is understandable that when they stop, without telling you, it would be easy to get caught.

So, here's my idea. Someone could start a home-based business reminding people about things. License renewal is one thing - and what got me thinking - but some people need to be reminded about birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Here's how it would work. You give me, let's say, $1.99 (one-time fee), and I send you a reminder postcard two weeks before your license expires. Simple. Effective. Low start-up costs (just postcards and some advertising).

I know, you computer-savy people are saying, just set up an appointment in your computer calendar. Yup, that will work. But, there are a lot of people who are not that computer-savy. And my idea will work even if your hard drive crashes or you lose your internet connection.

Think about it ...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Solar Battery Charger

A few posts ago, I talked about my switch to better rechargable batteries. (click here for post) What I didn't tell you was the rest of my new system: I charge them with the sun. I bought a solar battery charger (see picture). The meter tells you how much power you are generating and is calibrated to tell you how long each size of battery will take to charge (at the given light intensity). This charger willl charge D, C, AA and AAA batteries.
Tip: I prop the cover open a little with a soda bottle cap so that the inside doesn't heat up too much. I bought mine on eBay, from the online store:
(search for "universal solar battery charger"). I paid about $25 with shipping. You can also get it at SmartHome, but it's more expensive.
There are many other models available, but I like this one because of the meter (which helps me aim it at the sun for optimum light) and the fact that it can handle all four battery types.
Be green! Charge with the sun!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Suburban People Movers

When you live in the suburbs, being green when it comes to transportation is more of a challenge than in the city, where mass transit systems have existed for years. So I was thinking, what might a system look like in the suburbs? There may not be enough volume to keep a regular schedule of trains. Buses are unsightly and need drivers. So what if you had something that was a cross between a horizontal elevator and a monorail? I like monorails because 1) some say they are cheaper than trains; 2) they look cool and modern; 3) elevating them isn't too hard or unsightly. Here's what it could look like. You have a circuit that goes from the densest population areas, such as apartment complexes or small-lot neighborhoods, to the business and municipal areas of town (library, town offices, senior center). But there is no regular schedule. Instead, when you need to go somewhere, you press a "call" button to summon the car. It may or may not have others on it, going in the same direction. It may take a few minutes, but you have to wait for the next subway train - it's just what you do with mass transit. If it's a light day, the car may even be waiting for you when you want to go home. You could have a pass - an electronic card with your account on it - for payment. The car could hold maybe 8-10 people. The whole thing would run without a driver. (Hence the elevated part - although you'd probably still need some sort of collision avoidance system, in case someone got up onto the rail.)
This way, you could travel around without a car in the suburbs - a least some of the time.

Mac and Cheese Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles. The college student's treat. The staple of the thrifty. The ultimate convenience food. So here's another ramen noodl...