I know a group that was going to the movies. They were thinking of going to one but it was only in 3D. They picked another. Why? Isn't 3D cool? Yes, it is. But ... 3D movies make some people nauseous. And even though some movies are offered in both 3D and regular, it's nice to sit with the people you came with. I have a solution. But first, a word about 3D. The world is in 3D - at least for humans. This is because our left eye and out right eye see a slightly different perspective, and our brain fills in the depth information to give us a 3D view. 3D pictures work the same way (and movies are just a series of pictures). Basically, a 3D picture presents your left eye with one image, and your right eye with another (just like in the real world). This can be done with colored filters, such as red-blue, red-green or blue-yellow. Each eye has a different color filter and sees a different image from the picture. Full color pictures use polarized filters, with each eye being rotated differently. If you don't wear the special glasses, you see both images, which usually ends up looking very blurry. So here's my idea - why not make 3D glasses with the same filter on
both eyes. So for example, both eyes would only see the right image. No 3D effect, no nausea. It's so simple, I don't know why the movie theaters don't do it! (Are you listening movie people? Are you listening 3D glasses manufacturers?) I even looked around and I see no website that sells 3D glasses offering this option.
But ... you can make your own. Just buy two pairs of 3D glasses, take them apart, and put them together so that one pair has two left filters and one has two right filters. (I think I may have to try this). You can buy them at
http://www.3dglasses.net/ or
http://www.rainbowsymphony.com/3d-glasses.html or
http://www.3dglassesdirect.com/ for example. Oh, by the way, different 3D movies use different filter schemes. So find out what technology a movie uses, and buy the proper glasses (the movie adds should say the technology). Have fun, let me know if it works.
NOTE: Dave has no business association with the 3D websites listed in this post. He merely did a Google search. You can too.